Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Experience as an Adult Child of Divorce

As we complete this course in Human Behavior in Social Environment II, I would like to thank all for their comments and support. This has been a learning experience for me both educational and personal. I have seen a turning point in my life just by being able to research and listen to the feedbacks. Everyone does not reach the same life events throughout their life, but I must say that we sometimes have to go through something to gain respect and understanding for something elese. I must say that it only makes you stronger.

My parents divorce had an affect on me that I was not sure I understood. I beleive I understand more that there are many people out their that experience and has experienced this devastating event. Adult children of divorce are not talked about much, but experience the same affects of divorce as smaller children do. I have learned that there are support groups and that is not uncommon for an adult children to receive therapy to help them cope.

Because my parents never sat down and informed their five children that they were going to divorce there continues to be undue stress from everyone. My mother had to inform that she was going to be served with divorce papers and the tense began.

Today, I have a different outlook concerning the divorce. I realize it is not my fault, my sisters fault that the family dynamics have changed. I must not allow this change to affect me emotional or stress me out. I am coping better and do realize that it could have been handled different, but again I must move on and enjoy life for what it is.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Family Relations

Family relationships and bonds are so important. They are also key ingredients of how family relationships are established. On yesterday was another ingredient of how children learn from their parents and family members. November 4, 2008 was a primary election day for the United States of America. It has also been a family tradition in my family for us to come together and discuss the election. Therefore, yesterday was different for me. With my father as the missing piece in the picture we did things different. We still made sure each other voted and talked about the election, but the family dinner before the election was different.

The values established within a family are important. As people grieve we learn how to appreciate the things that we once had and move forward with our lives. As this historic election was sentimental to many of us. Certain values once established within a family dynamics will never fade away. As an adult child of divorce it is the values and traditions that make it hard to move forward.