Thursday, September 18, 2008


Divorce can be a touchy subject, but it has become a more socially acceptable subject. When divorce occurs the entire family dynamics shift. Divorce and other family disruptions often tends to bring on several different situations. This could include a house that was once shared by a couple of people is left empty or people take on new roles to adjust to the change in their new lifestyle. Whatever the situation this change is not easy. Financial burdens could arise and cause emotional and psychological stress. Families just fall apart.

I feel better reading the comments and feel this blog will help me deal with my hurt and pain. Sometimes I feel I am just covering up my feelings and try to deal with things. Reading the stories help me realize that I am not alone. Divorce is not easy to handle even as a young adult.


gradual student said...

Sometimes children, no matter how old they are, experience similar grief reactions to the loss of a loved one and similar stages of grief. There is actual loss in divorce and not just property. There is also the myth, or idea, of what life should have continued to be had the parents remained married. There is also the opposite, the shattering of the idea of what the marriage was - or was not. As adult children of divorce, we think back on our parent's relationship and wonder how much of it was a lie - how much did that taint touch us? and we begin to doubt our own relationship reality. I don't know if there are support groups in our areas, that would be a good thing to check out for your readers.

. said...

Divorce is an interesting subject. I know of someone who was married for 30 something years and got a divorce. The divorce broke up their family to where the children do not associate with their father. The children are grown but because of their personal feelings of the way their father acted towards them after the divorce was final took a toll on their relationship with their father. I could only imagine how it must feel being in a family where my parents had been married for 30 something years and for the family to be broken up would be something hard to handle. Now being that the family is broken up and the kids being grown, that mother must feel lonely and have empty house syndrome.