Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Adult Children of Divorce

Although there is a period of adjustment to divorce, midlife adults cope better with divorce than young adults (Marks &Lambert, 1998).

I am a young adult and I have not found my adjustment period yet. Again, I will vent to inform that sometimes people hide in a shell. They pick up and move on with their daily living task as if every thing is peaches and cream. On the inside they are hurting and wondering how things should be. On the outside they put on a made up face and smile as if everything is perfect.

Throughtout this blog, I hope to develop coping skills to help me get through this difficult time. Reading and understanding that I am not out there alone has helped.

Hutchison, Elizabeth D. (2008), Dimensions of Human Behavior The Changing Life Course. 3rd ed.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Divorce can be a touchy subject, but it has become a more socially acceptable subject. When divorce occurs the entire family dynamics shift. Divorce and other family disruptions often tends to bring on several different situations. This could include a house that was once shared by a couple of people is left empty or people take on new roles to adjust to the change in their new lifestyle. Whatever the situation this change is not easy. Financial burdens could arise and cause emotional and psychological stress. Families just fall apart.

I feel better reading the comments and feel this blog will help me deal with my hurt and pain. Sometimes I feel I am just covering up my feelings and try to deal with things. Reading the stories help me realize that I am not alone. Divorce is not easy to handle even as a young adult.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This topic is very personal and dear to me. At one time in my life, I never understood what divorce meant. I was protected as a child and only knew of children living with their mothers and fathers. Even though some of my relatives and friends lived in single parent homes a complete family was with your mother and father.

I treasured the family outings and loved the family vacations. I am the oldest of five girls who for my entire life, until my mid thirties, had what I called a complete family.

I did realize however, that divorce affected children in their younger years, but never thought it would have such a profound affect on young adults. I guess when you are use to having both of your parents in your life for most of your life it is devasating to lose one parent or both. The whole family dynamics change. Sometimes I almost feel as though my father has died. In my case, I do not see my father like I use to and it is very hard to adjust to the change in the family dynamics. It is a life course adjustment.